Saturday, February 18, 2023

You Learn a New Office Feature Everyday

I have been using Microsoft Word and Excel since I was 9 years old. I still remember trying to hand in my essays in 5th grade on typed paper because my handwriting has always been bad. I also remember creating barebone projects on Excel such as keeping track of standings for my hockey teams. Due to me being introduced to Office products at an early age, I've learned a lot over the years. I especially have learned a lot about Word and Excel since starting my job in commercial appraisal. However, despite me learning a lot over the years, the one thing I've learned with Word and especially Excel, is how much I don't know. Over the past few years my dad has showed me his Word and Excel formats and showed me all his formula's on Excel and how he links the two files so they have the same brain. Typically after the first 10 or 15 minutes, it's my brain that starts spinning. 

However, there were two things I learned from Chapter 3 that I will definitely make use of for the future. Firstly, in Word I never found bookmarks to be useful, let alone know how to create them. After going through Chapter 3 I not only learned how to create bookmarks but found how useful they can be in my current career. In Excel, I learned the use of the "name box" and "named cells". I found out after this chapter that my dad has used these for years and I just never noticed, but now that I learned this I realize how big of a deal it is in my dads format. Nearly every single one of his formulas reference a named cell.

I'm looking forward to the end of Chapter 4 and learning about "macros".


  1. I have used bookmarks ever since my sister suggested it and I have been doing so all the time.

  2. I can see with your current career how bookmarks could and are useful. Dealing with a variety of appraisals, this feature probably has saved you time.

  3. So they [Word and Excel] have the same brain? Your brain starts spinning? Haha :-)

    Glad 3.4.3 Navigation Facts introduced you to using bookmarks and named range/cell/cells ^_^

    You will see 'same brain' in the capstone assignment of IS101-3003, Spring 2023 later in the semester!

  4. It's great to hear that you have been using Microsoft Word and Excel from an early age! I was introduced to bookmarks at work and life hasn't been the same since! It allows things to be more concise and properly structured. :)

  5. Using word since the age of nine, that's impressive. Bookmarks are very important and accessible to ensure our papers are at there best.

  6. Marco is good for doing the repetitive work, finishing tons of work in few minutes as long as having enough Marcos.

  7. My brain starts spinning too after working for 10 minutes. lol. Whatsoever, the formulas are great ways to save time and brain effort.

  8. I too am also enjoying learning so much about word and excel, seems like I have always just skimmed the surface when it came to Office.

  9. Much like you, I can sympathize with being appreciative of learning new concepts or buttons to push in both of these softwares.

  10. Remember though that you can't undo a macro and ctrl + Z shortcut doesn't work. So, you have to be sure if you want to put a macro somewhere.
