Saturday, January 28, 2023

Cybersecurity and its Differing Definitions

What is cybersecurity? According to Fredrick Chang, former Director of Research at the National Security Agency (NSA) cybersecurity, "offers many opportunities for advances based on a multidisciplinary approach". That quote was taken from paper written by Dan Craigen, Nadia Diakun-Thibault, and Randy Purse for Technology Innovation Management Review. The paper went on to describe cybersecurity being a collection of resources that prevent malicious attacks towards people and their technological property rights. The exact definition given in this paper was, "cybersecurity is the organization and collection of resources, processes, and structures used to protect cyberspace and cyberspace-enabled systems from occurrences that misalign de jure from defacto property rights." Kaspersky describes cybersecurity as, "the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks." According to Section 225 in the Homeland Security Act, cybersecurity is the act of defending from "cyber crimes". Each source has slightly different information, but I think the TIMReview article gives the most accurate definition.

Scholar Reference:

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  1. Hi Shane! I myself is gearing towards Cyber Security career. I used to read news articles on security breaches and it piqued my interest.

  2. Thanks for sharing the different articulations of cybersecurity you found :-)

    So you found the academic source to be the most accurate, I'm not surprised at your choice!

    You have satisfied 1.5.7 Activity: Identify Sources ^_^

  3. It seems that cybersecurity is a fast and growing field. I just wish the hackers/attackers would use their powers for good. But I guess some would say, what is the fun in that.

  4. Cyber security sounds like a fun job but it's not for me. The never-ending choices of definitions to use for a word is crazy.

  5. I was very close to going into cybersecurity! I practiced for a while and realized my character alignment is just a tad bit too much into chaotic to go through with it haha!

  6. Hello Shane, recently cybersecurity has even gone to the quantum level. Recently the president passed "Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act" to "address the migration of executive agencies' information technology systems to post-quantum cryptography". So hopefully all that goes well.

  7. Hi, Shane. Despite Cybersecurity's differing definitions, the ultimate goal of cybersecurity is to secure cyberspace and prevent malicious attacks on individuals and their digital property. It definitely is a broad topic, but nonetheless, extremely interesting! :)

  8. Hello, It is believed that academic source is the most trustworthy and comprehensive on the definition of cyberbullying.

  9. Hello Shane, Cybersecurity is quite useful in today's society as everything we do involves online data ranging from our bank information to extremely disclosed government documents that are stored on the web. I believe cybersecurity offers us a sense of safety and privacy regarding our activities online. You have provided varying definitions of Cybersecurity but I think the sole context of it is to protect people from potentially dangerous sources who might be looking to steal, copy, hack and more our online information.

  10. Skynet will find a way to make cybersecurity obsolete and turn it against us :shrug

  11. Hi Shane! I asked the cyber security faculty if there would be Bachelor's of Cyber security any soon in CSN. They said that it will probably be in year 2025-26 or later.
    This is a really good news for people who want to live in Las Vegas and study this course.
