Saturday, January 21, 2023

IS101 and How it Will Help Me

Hello everyone, I'm looking forward to this semester of IS101 with you all. My name is Shane and I'm born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. An interesting fact about me is that I have played hockey for a little over a decade now. I played for the Jr. Golden Knights in their inaugural and second season. As for school, I am currently seeking an Associate of Business, but I will likely transfer to UNLV before I have the credits needed to acquire my 2-year degree. I plan on double majoring at UNLV in Finance and Real Estate, due to my current career being a real estate appraiser. Despite the extra major, I only need 3 more classes if I use my electives wisely. I might consider an MBA, but a bachelor's degree is really all that's needed for commercial real estate, specifically appraisal. I'm not a fan of school, but I think that once I get to my upper-level courses, time will fly by and I will have my two bachelor's degrees before I know it.

My expectations for IS101 is to have at least the MOS-Associate certification by the end of the semester. I might consider getting MOS-Expert as well, but given my current resume I don't think MOS certifications will be a huge asset in my career. I've used Word and Excel for many years now, but that doesn't mean I know everything about each software, so I look forward to learning more that way I can be more effective at my current job. I've already learned more about Outlook in the past week than I have in 2 1/2 years at a Fortune 200 company. Despite being a 101 course, I believe it is equally as important as some of the upper-level courses. I look forward to seeing the return on investment this class will give me.


  1. Aiming to double major in Finance and Real Estate, excellent!

    Might consider MOS Expert? I hope you will pursue it :-)

    Welcome to IS101-3003, Spring 2023, Shane ^_^

  2. Hello Shane, it is very nice to meet you. It is an interesting fact that you have been playing hockey for so long, I was also amazed that you played in the Jr. Golden Knights team. I hope you find a good career from acquiring your bachelors in real estate and finance. I am very pleased to have you as my classmates and wish you the best for the remainder of the semester.

  3. Hi Shane, you played hockey that sounds like a lot of fun. I've never played hockey, but I do enjoy ice skating. I'm also pursuing an associate in business although I'm also interested in accounting. An extra major is always a good to have under your belt. I find school refreshing and don't mind it at all!

  4. Hello Shane, I happen to like to watch hockey games and I see you like Real Estate. I have a handful of friends that are Realtor and they said they love it. I am sure you will excel in anything you do.

  5. Hi Shane! Thank you for sharing your career information. I have a question for you, don't know if you have the answer. Do real estate brokers need to have license to do a brokerage here in Nevada? Not talking about real estate agent but for a broker. Thank you. Let's talk more if you have time.

  6. Hi Shane, It's cool to understand what kinds of knowledge you need in your career, which means you are a ambitious person. Most of people think about their paths when they are facing it while sometime they may not prepare enough for their path. Keep up for well preparing for your target.

  7. Hello Shane, Real Estate is quite an interesting career choice if not a bit risky. My grandma used to be a real estate agent in California in 2000's before the Great Recession. She was doing quite well too but she did say that you need to be able to predict that unpredictability of the housing market in order to succeed but I'm sure you'll do fine. Good luck out there I'm sure you'll do great.

  8. Finally, another fellow Nevadan! What a fascinating career, I wish you luck. :)

  9. What's up Shane, the hockey gig is pretty dope. Glad to have you in the class.

  10. I think it is a good and wise idea to get the core classes done at a school that might not be as expensive and then transfer. When I was coming up, community college or even going to a school that predominately offered just an associates degree was looked down upon. I hope your plans work for your good. Good Luck!

  11. I think that's cool that you played for the Jr. Golden Knights. I love hockey. My family usually has season tickets to the games. GO KNIGHTS GO!!!!

  12. I think it's pretty awesome that you're wanting to be in the real estate business on a more professional level (double majoring). I can't imagine how stressful it's been for you or how overwhelming things for you have been, but in all the madness I hope that you are continuing to be able to find things that'll give you some kind of happiness. Remember, breathe.

  13. That's awesome that you are a Las Vegas Native, my family moved back and forth from here to Los Angeles a couple times. I am also studying Real estate. How did you get into appraising? What would you recommend me to do, to get my foot in the door of real estate.
